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The Blue Kite Academy Trust have chosen to use the artwork from William Morris, to shape our school logo. William Morris was a famous British textile designer, poet, novelist and social activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts Movement. Our vision for William Morris Primary School has been to name our classrooms after his famous textiles, and to encourage our children to learn about the history linked to him and Victorian Britain.


We want our children to look smart when at school and feel proud to wear their uniform. Our uniform policy is outlined below.



Our School Uniform (Nursery - Year 6)

Main uniform:

·A grey skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers

·A white polo shirt (with or without the school logo)

·A navy jumper or cardigan with the school logo

·A navy gingham summer dress

·Grey or black socks or navy tights

·Flat black shoes

All pupils are required to wear school uniform, and each item should be clearly marked with their name.


We would like all pupils to have at least one jumper or cardigan carrying our school logo.


Second hand uniform and jumpers with logos are also available from the William Morris PTA for a small, voluntary donation. To find out about current second hand stock and sizes, please e-mail the William Morris PTA



PE Kit

A PE kit should be kept in school throughout the week and must consist of the following items:

·Navy shorts or navy skort (during the colder seasons, navy tracksuit bottoms may be worn for outside games)

·A plain white t-shirt (with or without the school logo)

·Daps or trainers

Optional Items to Purchase:

·A navy book bag with the school logo embroidered to the front (with a shoulder strap)

·A navy fleece, with the school logo

·A navy sun hat, with the school logo (legionnaires or cap style)

·A navy woolly hat, with the school logo

·A navy PE bag, with the school logo



Hair, Jewellery and accessories

·No jewellery allowed except for a watch and only small, plain studs if pierced ears. These need to be covered with tape during PE.

·Watches – to be analogue or digital. No smart watches.

·Hair accessories to be kept to a discreet minimum and in navy blue or white – no large bows

·Nail varnish should not be worn in school

Most of our school uniform can be purchased from high street stores or supermarkets or ordered directly from our supplier at PMG Schoolwear.

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